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One of the most common excuses I hear from people for not writing blog posts or creating video, is because they are waiting for everything to be perfect.
Does this resonate with you?
Well, here’s the thing to remember
One of the most common excuses I hear from people for not writing blog posts or creating videos, is that they are waiting for everything to be perfect.
Does this resonate with you?
Well, here’s the thing to remember – Perfect is NOT relate-able and it’s not AUTHENTIC.

Last week I had an experience that kicked me in the butt.
It reminded me of this:
While quality is imperative in many aspects of what we do, it’s not necessary that everything be all high quality, all the time.
Here’s what I mean.
I’ve been looking to hire someone to help with my social media, e-mail funnels and the back-end processes of my website. A good friend of mine sent me a referral. She introduced me & this gentleman via email, so we both had each others information to connect.
The next day, I get an email from him that included a 5 minute video that was made just for me.
From this initial contact, I was almost sold on hiring his services, and I hadn’t even spoken with him yet!
I was blown away that he actually took the time to review my website AND create a video to offer me suggestions of how he and his team could help me.

Sadly, many designers feel that if they give away too much information over the phone or even share too many ideas at the initial consultation, then clients won’t need to work with them.
The reality is, the opposite of that is actually true! At least with the really great clients…which of course we all want, right?
If this hits home, I have to tell you that it’s that kind of mindset that could very well be jeopardizing the success of your business.
Here’s what happens when you start sharing ideas that come from all your past experience and incredible knowledge of the Interior Design and Decorating Industry:
People begin to understand how much planning and details go into a project. They quickly realise how little they actually know about the process and can see that hiring you will save them time, money, stress AND it will be the best decision they ever made.

Okay, back to this gentleman and his video that knocked my socks off.
You may be wondering what was in this video that was so amazing??? Honestly, there was nothing in terms of fancy graphics, music or pretty visuals.
It was simply the fact that he took the initiative to do some preliminary research about me and then sent a message that clearly stood out from what anyone else had sent me up to that point.
You can do this just as easily in your business. Here’s two quick examples.
Example #1
See below to a similar style of video that I did in June 2016, after an initial consultation meeting with clients.
Easy, peasy and not fancy, right? The video is not rehearsed; it’s personal and probably like nothing else that anyone has ever sent them.
Example #2
This is an example that I made to show you how easy it is for you to do something similar. I’ve added an intro/outro in order for it to make sense for those who find it on my YouTube channel.
What did you think? Not fussy at all, right?
By the way, my videos are edited in Camtasia, which is a software that is compatible with both PC and Mac.
Something Else to Consider
How long do you spend writing a follow up email to clients? These can take a really long time when you tailor it specifically to your conversation.
That video, (within the video) took less than 6 minutes to make. Add in the time it took to upload the video, write a quick email with a few links and it can still easily be done in less than 15 minutes.
Oh, and remember to turn off your notifications before doing something like this. Ha ha, as you can see, I forgot to do this when I filmed this example for you.
When we over-think things, we tend to stop dead in our tracks, because we turn it into this big ordeal and it then seems so overwhelming.
I challenge you to STOP overthinking & start DOING.
Comment below to let me know if creating a quick video for a specific client is something that you have done or is something that you will do. If not, why not?
There is no right or wrong answer here, but I absolutely believe that this is an outstanding opportunity to stand out & land more clients with video. Not only am I living proof in both my own interior design business and coaching business, but I can also now confirm that I have hired this firm, they impressed me that much with the video!
Need more confidence in making videos? Don’t sweat it, I can help.
Click here to buy or find out more about my invaluable ‘Video For Profits Course’.
Find out my Top Ten tips for starting video here.
Listen to my guest appearance here on a Well Designed Business Podcast with the fabulous LuAnn Nigara. The topic was all about leveraging video for your business & I share lots of practical advice.
Now, go make a video!
Dawn Pasinato Gepfert
| 15 May 2018I love this idea! Did you make the second video before or after the initial consultation. If after, had they already agreeded to move forward? I’m wondering if it’s goid to use it to recap the consult and then also address how you can help going forward… which would mean that they hadn’t signed the loa yet… lots of ideas for this!
Claire Jefford
| 15 May 2018Hey Dawn. The second video is an example of what you can do after your first phone call with a potential client. The idea being that you will definitely set yourself apart from anyone else who they may have spoken too. Plus, they’ll connect with you that much quicker too! You could absolutely do it to re-cap a consultation if you had a good vibe from them and feel that there is opportunity to continue with ongoing design services. I love that I got your wheels turning!! Cheers.
Paula ryan
| 15 May 2018So good Claire! I know have done 2 live videos thanks to you giving us all the courage to do it…it wasn’t so bad! Lol
I’m definitely going to do the video thank you! Thanks for all your amazing tips
Claire Jefford
| 15 May 2018I’m thrilled to hear that you’ve done some live videos Paula! See, it’s not so bad, eh?! 🙂
| 19 July 2018Thanks Claire. I have started doing few seconds clips that shows my face. Hoping to do lengthy ones soon. Thanks for all your support
Claire Jefford
| 19 July 2018That’s great! Small steps lead to larger strides over time. I’m happy to help and encourage you in any way I can!