Choose the right paint colour
the first time Let me show you how in just 5 easy steps!
BONUS: The Top 15 Shades of Gray by Benjamin Moore
Last month I attended a seminar on kitchen design where this shocking statistic was revealed:
Ten years ago a consumer looking to redesign their kitchen would go to three different locations, over a three month period and then decide on the best way to move forward with their renovation.
Today, however, statistics reveal that the average consumer goes to nine different locations over a nine month period and only sometimes make a decision to renovate. Why is this?
Information overload! With the overwhelming information available on the internet as well as the infinite number of images on google, houzz and pinterest, it’s no wonder there is mass confusion.
For example, I came across this article on houzz which I thought was well worth the read, but what totally annoyed me was the following caption:.
Seriously? Is it necessary to mention ‘2 million’ photos? The thought of having to browse even a hundred photographs with no filter frightens me and I’m a decorator.
With so much information at our fingertips, how can we possibly be expected to make decisions when there is no end to the resources of where we can search?

It’s not only in design, it’s in everything we do and I feel your pain.
Just last week I had a mini melt down because I worried I was not active enough on social media. I finally came to the conclusion that it’s impossible to keep up with all the on line sites, manage a business, be a mother and wife, as well as run a home. Unless of course I was to clone myself…
My point is that our world today is what it is, with constant and readily information everywhere. We carry cell phones, ipads and have lap tops and computers. This will not change, so we must change if we are to move forward and accomplish anything.
So how can you stay focused?
Here’s three tips to ease the frustration of your next renovation or decorating project.
1) Establish your budget and start date. Your investment amount will largely impact how you choose to carry out the project and where you source items. Setting a start date will help motivate you and focus your efforts.
2) Have a few inspirational pictures. When I say a few, I mean no more than six per project. Specify what you love about each space – flooring; backsplash; wall colour; etc. Refer to these when sourcing materials so you get the look you want, just make sure they all work together.
The houzz website is a great way to do this. Click here to see how I’ve created tons of Ideabooks with plenty of inspriation.
3) Limit where you source your products. Educate yourself on the pros and cons of the materials you wish to use and shop with retailers whom you trust. The budget that you established in Step 1 will influence whether you go custom, use big box stores, or a mix of both.

How will I handle my own stress? I need to focus too! Facebook and houzz are my target areas for social media. I am revamping my ideabooks on houzz and would love if you followed me there to see what great inspiration I am finding from great designers all over the world.
Facebook is my favourite way to stay connected both socially and professionally. Please like me on facebook here and you’ll receive regular great tidbits of money saving advice and of course, lots of pretty pictures.
If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up to my newsletters and posts (top right). The first article you will receive is called ‘How to choos the RIGHT paint colour the FIRST time’ – I break it down for you in just five easy steps! Don’t miss it.
If your place could use a little ‘pick me up’ or an entire overhaul, call me for a consultation. Let me turn your decorating experience into a positive one. Contact me here.